Thursday, April 30, 2009

Κύριος Notes


I will praise Him!
I will praise Him!
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;
Give Him glory, all ye people,
For His blood can wash away each stain.

Scripture Reflections: Luke 8
1-3He continued according to plan, traveled to town after town, village after village, preaching God's kingdom, spreading the Message.

Even in the face of John not really understanding You kept to the plan. You did not ignore his pain, you told him of your plan through his disciples. You were not distracted from the plan by going to John in prison. You kept to the task. You kept to the plan.

You continued to preach the message. Help me to keep on task…to not be distracted from the race that you have called me to.

The Twelve were with him. There were also some women in their company who had been healed of various evil afflictions and illnesses: Mary, the one called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; Joanna, wife of Chuza, Herod's manager; and Susanna

You kept those close to you who understood what the task was. They were also a part of the group who had been impacted by your ministry. There were those who were committed and following through…who had been changed in the process of that work. They were drawn to the life and the experience of being with you.

Draw those to this ministry that can be changed by it, and those who will commit to it. Lord Jesus may we see lives more lives transformed by the work of your Holy Spirit through this church.

—along with many others who used their considerable means to provide for the company.

Your ministry was supported by those who were a part of it… who were impacted by it…who had experience the power of your grace and ministry.

That is the way it works. Your work in my life impacts the way that I view money…time…energy…reputation and career.

Lord Jesus increase the impact of your work through Living Springs Community…Impact lives with the power of your grace active and alive in this community. Release Your power in this place and among these people. You are free to do what needs to be done to see that happen.

Κύριος Notes


Just as I am, thou wilt receive,
wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
because thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Scripture Reflections:Luke 7

40Jesus said to him, "Simon, I have something to tell you."
"Oh? Tell me."
41-42"Two men were in debt to a banker. One owed five hundred silver pieces, the other fifty. Neither of them could pay up, and so the banker canceled both debts. Which of the two would be more grateful?"

Lord Jesus that is exactly the place where you found me. In over my head, not able to do what was needed on any level. And yet you forgave me.Then the question who is more grateful...

It is interesting that You assume the Simon has been forgive at least some.

43-47Simon answered, "I suppose the one who was forgiven the most."
"That's right," said Jesus. Then turning to the woman, but speaking to Simon, he said, "Do you see this woman? I came to your home; you provided no water for my feet, but she rained tears on my feet and dried them with her hair. You gave me no greeting, but from the time I arrived she hasn't quit kissing my feet. You provided nothing for freshening up, but she has soothed my feet with perfume. Impressive, isn't it? She was forgiven many, many sins, and so she is very, very grateful. If the forgiveness is minimal, the gratitude is minimal."

Lord Jesus I rejoice in the forgiveness that I have received at your hand. This women expressed her thankfulness in a practical way...without judging the Pharisees, and without making a scene...this job was usually done by the lowliest servants of the house in homes where hospitality was practiced.

Simon may have been busy, or the preparations may have been rushed, but for whatever reason this task of the practical had not been done.

The women's gratitude was expressed in a practical act ministry to an identified need. What are the unmet needs that you would have me address Lord Jesus? Where are the places where you would have me show my gratitude to you for what you have done?

Is my gratitude minimal?

48Then he spoke to her: "I forgive your sins."
49That set the dinner guests talking behind his back: "Who does he think he is, forgiving sins!"
50He ignored them and said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you. Go in peace."

Sometimes our confession needs to be performatory...the very act expresses the confession...James tells us that faith without works is dead. What he is saying is: there are times when words distract us from the point. Heart work done is expressed in action. There are no recorded words from this women...she did not pray a sinners prayer that we know of...this women's confession was in her tears and her hair and in the sweet smell of the perfume that she poured on your feet.

I am sure that this was just the first of many changes in behavior and life style that she would be making in the next little while.

I don't even need to mention that the contrast is between this sinners act of faith and the inaction of Simon.

Lord Jesus in this coming day, show me ways to demonstrate my faith in quiet ways in this day. Help me to come to you Lord Jesus not just with words but with actions that confess my faith in your finished work on my behalf.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Κύριος Notes


Jesus, Lover of my soul,

Jesus, I will never let you go

Youve taken me from the miry clay

You've set my feet upon the Rock, and now Iknow

I love you, I need you,

Though my world may fall,

I'll never let you go

My Saviour, my closest friend,

I will worship you until the very end

Lord Jesus,

There is reason to praise you this morning as the sun just rises through the trees, I praise you. Worship and praise I give to the One who is the lover of my soul as the sun rises my praise rises to the Son.

Scripture Reflection 7

36-39One of the Pharisees asked him over for a meal. He went to the Pharisee's house and sat down at the dinner table. Just then a woman of the village, the town harlot, having learned that Jesus was a guest in the home of the Pharisee, came with a bottle of very expensive perfume and stood at his feet, weeping, raining tears on his feet. Letting down her hair, she dried his feet, kissed them, and anointed them with the perfume. When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man was the prophet I thought he was, he would have known what kind of woman this is who is falling all over him."

I wonder if this Pharisee ever came to a place where he could accept you for who you were Lord Jesus. It is clear that he came from a place where he could not see the person, only the sins that they had committed.

There are times when that is just what I do...I see the sin and judge the sinner. This women that came to you at dinner knew what it would cost her to come to this house of the Simeon the Pharisee. This incident took place somewhere near the little town of Nain about 25 miles from Capernaum.

So it was a small town...these men sitting around eating knew this women. They probably were some of her clients. She was a women who must have had some success in her trade, this is clear because of her extravagance in this act of love, honor and devotion to Your Lord. I am willing to guess that it was a bit warming in that room as this women entered. Some of these men must have been uncomfortable on multiple levels.

There was no room for judgement in the room that night, just grace. You allowed her to wash your feet with her tears. I know don't know about the reasons why she found herself crying at your feet that night many years ago now. Life presents us with choices that are difficult at best, and change who we are at worst. She grieved over the way her life choices had changed her.

Lord Jesus praise You for Your amazing scandalous grace that reaches me with forgiveness and acceptance no matter where I have been. You really only care where I am going from here. This women knew who she was when walked in. She was a comodity to be bought or sold, when she walked out she was a child of God saved by Your simple word of forgiveness. She was walking down the road to Kingdom Come. She had met the Lover of her soul.

Thank You Lord Jesus for the fact that fogiveness remains available to me today. Lead me along this road to Kingdom Come in this coming day

Monday, April 27, 2009

Κύριος Notes


Turn you eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face;
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

Scripture Reflections:Luke 7

28-30"Let me lay it out for you as plainly as I can: No one in history surpasses John the Baptizer, but in the kingdom he prepared you for, the lowliest person is ahead of him. The ordinary and disreputable people who heard John, by being baptized by him into the kingdom, are the clearest evidence; the Pharisees and religious officials would have nothing to do with such a baptism, wouldn't think of giving up their place in line to their inferiors.

Lord Jesus--It is not about who we are...what we have accomplished, gifts we have been given, or what we know. This road to Kingdom come runs right through any position or status I may have achieved...l come to you as a sinner in need of your grace...

There is nothing that I can hold on to in this life except Your grace freely given. There is no hope outside of Your will and your way for my life.

31-35"How can I account for the people of this generation? They're like spoiled children complaining to their parents, 'We wanted to skip rope and you were always too tired; we wanted to talk but you were always too busy.' John the Baptizer came fasting and you called him crazy. The Son of Man came feasting and you called him a lush. Opinion polls don't count for much, do they? The proof of the pudding is in the eating."

Where are those times that I am being a spoiled child Lord Jesus? The message of John was lost on those who would not listen to a person who did not fit the usual categories. Your message was lost on the same crowd because they judged that you were not spiritual enough. If I am being defensive I will always be able find reasons why I should not follow you and be what you would have me to be.

The issue with the spoiled children is they just want their way no matter what...and they will twist their way of looking at the puzzle to try to make the puzzle turn out the way they want it to...that just leaves a puzzle unfinished. I am that way sometimes...

Where are the unfinished puzzles that can only find their completion when I let down my defenses and listen to Your call on my life? I turn my eyes to You Lord Jesus...intentional, without defenses, knowing that I am just a sinner saved by your amazing grace.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Κύριος Notes


My Jesus, my savior
Lord there is none like you
All of my days
I want to praise
The wonders of your mighty love

My comfort, my shelter
Tower of refuge and strenght
Let every breath, all that i'm
Never cease to worship you

Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing
Power and majesty praise to the King
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar
At the sound of Your Name

Scripture Reflection:Luke 7

24-27After John's messengers left to make their report, Jesus said more about John to the crowd of people. "What did you expect when you went out to see him in the wild? A weekend camper? Hardly. What then? A sheik in silk pajamas? Not in the wilderness, not by a long shot. What then? A messenger from God? That's right, a messenger! Probably the greatest messenger you'll ever hear.

John was a person of the people a person who spoke to the longing of the people of Israel. They longed to hear the word of the Lord clearly and when they found someone who spoke with authority they flocked to him. John wore the clothes of a prophet and ate the food of the prophet Elijah. John was a prophet in the mold of the Elijah and the prophets of the Old Testament. He was forthright and blunt, clear and direct.

He is the messenger Malachi announced when he wrote,

I'm sending my messenger on ahead
To make the road smooth for you.

John was all about the message. His message was a simple one: "Messiah is coming and we need to get ready for him." Preparation was not a matter of roads and bridges...John was preparing a road from the hearts of the people to your feet Lord Jesus.

There is preparation that needs to be done in my heart Lord Jesus...the highway of holiness, the road to Kingdom Come runs right through where I am right now...right through the successes and the foibles, the heartaches and the hopes...the blessings and the curses.

The preparation that needs to be done is-- to see that Your will runs right through the mix of the choices that I am making right now. The people saw the reality...the essence of John's message...the Holy Road was not so much about laws as much as a of change of the heart and personal choices. The laws were only the guardrails on the road to Kingdom Come. There needed to be heart change not just following a list of laws.

Jesus, Your coming changed everything. Keep me on the road to Kingdom Come today. Help me to see within the choices that the day brings...Your guidance and grace.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Κύριος Notes


My Jesus, My Saviour,
Lord there is no one like you,
All of my days,
I want to praise
The wonders of Your mighty love.
My comfort, my shelter,
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You.

Scripture Reflections:Luke 7
21-23In the next two or three hours Jesus healed many from diseases, distress, and evil spirits. To many of the blind he gave the gift of sight. Then he gave his answer: "Go back and tell John what you have just seen and heard:

The blind see,
The lame walk,
Lepers are cleansed,
The deaf hear,
The dead are raised,
The wretched of the earth
have God's salvation hospitality extended to them.
"Is this what you were expecting? Then count yourselves fortunate!"

Lord Jesus you dealt with John's questions with concrete answers within a context of grace and love. You showed his disciples Your ministry and in a way that John could understand you pointed him back to scripture. Your answer was that you were fulfilling the prediction of Isaiah 61:1,2.

You lovingly reminded John that his expectations needed to be in line with scripture. At the same time you gave us insight into how to understand your word. All scripture is to be seen through the lens of Your coming, Your word and Your work.

In the middle of unmet expectations You remind me that You are true to Your word, true to Your mission, that Your word still remains powerful. Your Holy Spirit is still working in me and in the situations that surround me. Your promises are still effective and that just like you reminded John...Your story is still being our time that story is being written into the fabric of our lives...of our church...of our community...of our world. It is a story that is just as concrete as the people who received healing at Your hands while John's disciples watched. Continue Your work with in me may your mission be made concrete as it was on that day to John's disciples.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Κύριος Notes


Thank you Lord Jesus for this time and this the quietness of this hour help me to hear your word speak to me.

I will Rise
There's a day that's drawing near
When this darkness breaks to light
And the shadows disappear
And my faith shall be my eyes
Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead

Scripture Reflections: Luke 7

18-19John's disciples reported back to him the news of all these events taking place. He sent two of them to the Master to ask the question, "Are you the One we've been expecting, or are we still waiting?"
20The men showed up before Jesus and said, "John the Baptizer sent us to ask you, 'Are you the One we've been expecting, or are we still waiting?'"

John the Baptist was in prison and his ministry had turned from a very public ministry of calling the nation to repentance to a private witness of speaking truth to power. The high point of John's public ministry had passed he had bore witness to you to fulfilled his call. But now from his prison cell Your ministry was not what he expected. John had thought that there would be immediate judgement and fire.

Matthew 4:12--He'll place everything true in its proper place before God; everything false he'll put out with the trash to be burned."

The timing of these questions is interesting. It is clear that John had received reports of the power of God displayed, acts of mercy and of healing. Not of judgement and fire .Here John is questioning if he got it right...or did he make a big mistake.

Lord Jesus, I understand John's questions...his expectations were not being met of what Messiah would be and do. He brought his questions and his frustrated expectations to you. That is exactly where you want me to bring my unmet expectations and my questions...

I have questions Lord. Everything is not working just like I thought it would. There are missing pieces...just like John saw and wondered about... Yet even with the questions and with the expectations not fully met there is a person I can bring them to...

I bring my expectations and hopes to Your feet. Your feet with the nail scares in them...Your feet that took you to dark places on my behalf...Your feet that are with me through joy and sorrow. I bring my questions to You.

So what are the lessons to be learned from unmet expectations. Here are some that just jump to mind:
  • You work in your way in your time.
  • I am not the one in control.
  • My questions find their answers in your grace...not in my expectations.
  • The lessons are never done this side of heavens pearly places where you want to work on my expectations will continue to come to the surface.
  • You are continuing to work in the world around me...sometimes in a vibrant and powerful you did for a widow watching her son's funeral procession...and sometimes in more quiet acts of mercy and grace.

Lord Jesus help me in this day to bring my expectation to you...teach me through it all your will and your way for today.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Κύριος Notes


Come Holy Spirit
Fall afresh on me
Fill me with Your power
Satisfy my needs
Only You can make me whole
Give me strength to make me grow
Come Holy Spirit
Fall afresh on me
Malclom Fletcher and Sara Kling

Scripture reflection Luke 7

16-17They all realized they were in a place of holy mystery, that God was at work among them. They were quietly worshipful—and then noisily grateful, calling out among themselves, "God is back, looking to the needs of his people!" The news of Jesus spread all through the country.

What does it take for me to know that I am in the presence of the Holy? For the people of Nain it was the raising of a dead man and the restoration of widows future...but what does it take for me to know without a doubt that I am in the presence of the Holy?

The response of the people that day was worship and gratitude. They did not send out fliers and start revival meetings. They did not try to camp out at where God had been revealed to them like Peter, James and John wanted to on the mount of Transfiguration. They knew that God was moving and looking after the needs of his I as sure of that work? I live in a time when people search out where they feel that connection to the Holy...where we cruise looking for where we can find that sense. We want to see a phenomena...we want to see power displayed just so we can know that it is you at work.

I want to see revival...but that isn't quite the word that I mean. I want to know the movement of the Holy in my life, in the life of the church that I am a part of, and of the community that I live in. I want to know that without a doubt that God is working and moving in these areas. These witnesses to the raising of the widow's son said it well...
"God is back, looking to the needs of his people."

I will know that the Holy is at work when I see immediate need met with unlooked for grace and power...I will know that The Holy is at work when I see lives changed by that same power that raised You from the dead Lord Jesus. I will know that the Holy is at work when I sense the affirming and the directing power of the Holy Spirit at work in my life.

Lord Jesus as I look over that list...I realize that you have come and are looking to the needs of your people...maybe not in raising of the dead...that would be great and you have the power to do that if you want to...but in unmistakable ways you are at work. Continue that work Lord Jesus.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Κύριος Notes


Savior Please
Savior, please help me stand I fall so hard,
I fade so fast
Will You begin right where I end
And be the God of all I am because
You're all that I have
I try to be so tough
But I'm just not strong enough
I can't do this alone
God I need You to hold on to me
I try to be good enough
But I'm nothing without Your love
Savior, please keep saving me

Scripture Reflections Luke 7

11-15Not long after that, Jesus went to the village Nain. His disciples were with him, along with quite a large crowd. As they approached the village gate, they met a funeral procession—a woman's only son was being carried out for burial. And the mother was a widow. When Jesus saw her, his heart broke. He said to her, "Don't cry." Then he went over and touched the coffin. The pallbearers stopped. He said, "Young man, I tell you: Get up." The dead son sat up and began talking. Jesus presented him to his mother.

Lord Jesus you were just walking down the road and you saw this woman in the middle of her grief and lost. Her loss touched your heart...why? What jumped out at you amid all the other events of that day...
Who am I not seeing that you would see as I walk through my days? Who are the unseen that need to be seen...who are the people who you would see and touch?
This death was no different than any of the other people who were being buried each day as you ministered, yet you saw this women and her grief.You taught us that you know of all our losses...from the death of a bird to the hairs on our know and you care.
So what does that teach me about loss and about the way that you would have me react to it? I need to treat all loss with dignity and grace...I need to remember that you saw and interceded in a situation that you knew would only be a temporary fix, yet you saw the value in it. Sometimes radical change is what is needed when we are facing loss.
Help me to know Jesus when radical change is possible. You are still have the ability to heal and to touch us in our need. Jesus please...keep saving me.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Κύριος Notes

Savior Please
Savior, please take my hand
I work so hard, I live so fast
This life begins, and then it ends
And I do the best that I can, but I don't know how long I'll last
I try to be so tough
But I'm just not strong enough
I can't do this alone, God I need You to hold on to me
I try to be good enough
But I'm nothing without Your love
Savior, please keep saving me
--Josh Wilson

Scripture Reflection:Luke 7

9-10Taken aback, Jesus addressed the accompanying crowd: "I've yet to come across this kind of simple trust anywhere in Israel, the very people who are supposed to know about God and how he works." When the messengers got back home, they found the servant up and well.

Simple trust in a complex age is still simple. The trust of this man who was Roman and a military man was something that stood out to you Lord. It was something simple and basic and good. I wonder about this man...he was clearly a God fearing person. He was someone who was attached to the local synagogue.

What happened to him in the coming years. Did this incident with You change his life or did it just insure that his valued servant lived more years in slavery? I hope that he gave his life to following you Lord. His faith in You was simple and profound at the same time.

Do I have that kind of trust? Can I trust you for the needs and for the things close to my heart? This Roman soldier showed a kind of concrete and solid belief that informed his actions and his way of looking at the world around him. If Jesus said it would happen. It was going to happen. It was as simple as that. That is the kind of trust I want to have...

In this day when so much is up in air...friends loosing their jobs, major changes all around me...can I trust Your grace for today and for tomorrow?

Lord Jesus teach me Your grace and to trust You for this day and for all that may come in it. Thank you for the simple fact that you keep saving me...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Κύριος Notes


Lord Jesus, Thank you for this day that you have given.

Word of God Speak
I'm finding myself in the midst of You
Beyond the music, beyond the noise
All that I need is to be with You
And in the quiet hear Your voice

Scripture Reflections: Luke 7:6-10

6-8Jesus went with them. When he was still quite far from the house, the captain sent friends to tell him, "Master, you don't have to go to all this trouble. I'm not that good a person, you know. I'd be embarrassed for you to come to my house, even embarrassed to come to you in person. Just give the order and my servant will get well. I'm a man under orders; I also give orders. I tell one soldier, 'Go,' and he goes; another, 'Come,' and he comes; my slave, 'Do this,' and he does it."

This is one of the healings that stands out to me. It is a long distance healing one in which You did not even saw the person being healed. For all the person knew at the moment of the healing and without the information of others, was that he was better.

In so many ways this healing of the servant of a Roman is like the healing that you do right now in my life. Without your input in my life I don't even know where the healing comes from. I just know that I am better. To often I move on and I don't acknowledge or realize the fact that You have been at work in my life and there is reason for praise.

Isaiah the Old Testament prophet said it well speaking of Jesus:

Isaiah 53:5

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,and by his wounds we are healed.

I wonder how many times I find healing...healing for my heart, healing for my body, healing for my thoughts, healing for my wounds from the past, ...and I don't even realize that You are the one that is doing the healing. I credit the healing to time, or resilience, or to a counselor, or to a doctor, when really my wounds are healed because of your suffering, death and resurrection.

You are still able to heal long distance and in fact distance, time and the vastness of the need do not stop your ability to impact the needs that surround me.

You are are are aware of my needs and the needs that pull at my elbow. You want to have hurts healed and made well. In fact, you are not even long distance...You are right here, right now...reaching out to the need...

All I need is to be with You
And in the quietness hear Your voice
Word of God speak...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Κύριος Notes


Lord Jesus, Praise you for this time and opportunity to focus on your word. Speak during this time Lord Jesus.

Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness
Word of God speak
--Mercy Me

Scripture Reflections: Luke 6

46-47"Why are you so polite with me, always saying 'Yes, sir,' and 'That's right, sir,' but never doing a thing I tell you? These words I speak to you are not mere additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundation words, words to build a life on.

I have been thinking and praying about the whole issue of priority and of focus. What are the ways that your words are "add ons" to my life? Where are the places where I am just saying the words but the power is not present?

I used to think that there shouldn't be any of those places in my life...that I should have it all together all the time, but that just is not my reality. Risk taking is one of the areas where my present reality is not your present power. I still pull back and try to make things safe...when really the only safety is under the shadow of the wing of the Almighty.

Show me how to work you words into the foundational reality of my life. Where am I missing out on the blessing of your presence by my need to minimize risk?

48-49"If you work the words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who dug deep and laid the foundation of his house on bedrock. When the river burst its banks and crashed against the house, nothing could shake it; it was built to last. But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don't work them into your life, you are like a dumb carpenter who built a house but skipped the foundation. When the swollen river came crashing in, it collapsed like a house of cards. It was a total loss."

The moral of the story is that the proof of how well I have integrated Your Word into my life is found not in the times of reflection, but during the times of storm. Does the house fall, or does it stay rock steady...

Help me Lord Jesus to do the hard work of building from the ground up on Your Word, Your Work, Your Will and Your Way. So...

Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Worthy, You are worthy

Much more worthy than I know
I cannot imagine
Just how glorious You are
And I cannot begin to tell
How deep a love You bring
O Lord my ears have heard of You
But now my eyes have seen

You're worthy
You're worthy
You're worthy
You're worthy to be praised
Forever and a day
Matt Redman

Scripture Reflection:Luke 6

"For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit,
44 for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush.

What kind of tree am I known for Jesus?

Somehow interesting that we are all a little fruity...I hope that it is an apple tree Lord. You know me and apples. Without your mercy active in my life...I am just a thorn bush taking up good space in the orchard. But with your grace applied and active in my life...there are fruit that result...the word of God is lived out, there will be people swept into the kingdom.

45 The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

You are the One that has the power to make changes in kind...from bad to good by the simple power of your death on the cross and your resurrection life alive within me.

In fact that is what the cross is all about, a qualitative change a change from bad to good...a change from guilt to not guilty...a change from lost to found. Without your power active in my life...what comes out of my heart is not worthy talking about...with your grace at work resurrection power is released.

Lord Jesus--You are worthy...You are much more worthy than I know. Work in my life in this day Lord Jesus. Change and transform, uphold and sustain the change that continues to take place.

Κύριος Notes


Low in the grave he lay,
Jesus my Savior,
waiting the coming day,
Jesus my Lord!
Up from the grave he arose;
with a mighty triumph o'er his foes;
he arose a victor from the dark domain,
and he lives forever,
with his saints to reign.
He arose! He arose!
Hallelujah! Christ arose!--
Robert Lowry
Scripture Reflection:Luke 6
39He also told them this parable: "Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit? 40A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.

How often am I a blind man Lord Jesus. How often in the pits? So the training continues. It is Life 101 and it is really a pass fail course. We pass based on what you have done for us on a cross on a hill outside of town.

41"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 42How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

In the middle of this life I need to use my best judgement. Yet at the same time not judge the people around us with a different standard than I want used to measure me. This judgement things even gets more convoluted and twisted in a knot when I think of some of the decisions that need to be made in life and in the church.

It reminds me that the beginning point in decision making is prayer and not thinking things through...prayer where I am open to the leading of the Holy Spirit's direction and to the fact that this learning experience is not just Life 101 but Life 101 with Jesus. It needs to be judgement that flows from and starts with Jesus and with the direction of the Holy Spirit. Decisions require judgement, but judgement that is baptized in the Spirit of God.

Jesus I continue to be amazed at the reality of your grace and love. It was on a Sunday just like this one that you were raised from the dead sin could not hold you.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Κύριος Notes


Mighty To Save
So take me as You find me,
All my fears and failures,
Fill my life again.

I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in,
Now I surrender.

My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
Marty Sampson

Scripture Reflection: Luke 6

37-38"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity."

Lord Jesus you know the harsh reality of my life. More failures than wins...lots of opportunity for improvement and then there is this analytical part that just wants to deconstruct what other people could have done better. Yet that is not what I would like to have applied to me Lord. I want the benefit of the doubt...I want the mulligan when I need it...I really like the do-over when I just have made a mess of everything.

There is the law of sowing and reaping at work here Lord. We end up with more than what we give. This is the only place where addition end up in multiplication... our little when given to you is multiplied. That principle is just through out really begins and ends with You. The generosity that you showed on that Cross made out of wood, makes me realize how small I am when I slip into my analytical mode.

I like the New International Version better for verse 38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

I love that picture...if I give to You Lord...I receive back with every nook and cranny filled up with your blessing running over and spilling out all over. If I hold on to my life, my time, my energy, my hopes, or my money I end up standing in the way of your blessing of my life. If I am open and give what I am and have to you and your kingdom, it only comes back in multiplied measure...pressed down by the weight of your blessing...shaken together and spilling all over the rest of my life.

Lord Jesus in this day help me to live generously. Show me how you would have me invest my life today in your Kingdom work. Show me the places where I am standing in the way of your blessing. Be close in this day.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Κύριος Notes


Jesus Lover Of My Soul
Jesus, lover of my soul
Jesus, I will never let You go
You've taken me from the miry clay
You've set my feet upon the rock
And now I know
I love you,
I need you
Though my world may fall
I'll never let You go
My Savior, my closest Friend
I will worship you until the very end
Darlene Zschech

Scripture Reflection: Luke 6
31-34"Here is a simple rule of thumb for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you; then grab the initiative and do it for them! If you only love the lovable, do you expect a pat on the back? Run-of-the-mill sinners do that. If you only help those who help you, do you expect a medal? Garden-variety sinners do that. If you only give for what you hope to get out of it, do you think that's charity? The stingiest of pawnbrokers does that.

Lord Jesus the simplest rules are the hardest to live up to. Christmas giving can be just like this can’t it? A kind of giving with some kind of expectation of a return is not really giving at all. Giving to those we love is natural even caseharden skinflints and misers do that…giving to the people who are un-loveable and where the connection is difficult is where You begin to shine through. Right, Lord?

35-36"I tell you, love your enemies. Help and give without expecting a return. You'll never—I promise—regret it. Live out this God-created identity the way our Father lives toward us, generously and graciously, even when we're at our worst. Our Father is kind; you be kind.

When I begin to move beyond the circle of concern that I care about…when I begin to demonstrate your grace in even a small gesture to my enemy is when your identity begins to form in me. It is when I begin to live out generous and gracious acts that the depth of your gift to me becomes clear, Lord. I can only really see the value of Your gift to me as I reach out to meet the need of those who have been my enemy.

It is a simple rule of kindness to those who I have no self serving interest in being kind to that defines me. Really you are just calling me to civility…to acts of kindness to people who I don’t agree with and who may frighten me at times. In the heat of the moment it can be a difficult rule to live out. When I live this rule…your promise takes over…I have never regretted the energy spent. So Your reminder to me today is simple—Go out and practice random acts of urban kindness.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Κύριος Notes

Mighty to Save
Everyone needs compassion,
Love that's never failing;
Let mercy fall on me.
Everyone needs forgiveness,
The kindness of a Saviour;
The Hope of nations.
Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
Marty Sampson
Scripture Reflection: Luke 6

27-30"To you who are ready for the truth, I say this: Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer for that person.

Lord Jesus--So now it comes through loud and clear to me…if I am ready for the truth then I will be able to love my enemies. I live in a civilized time…and I don’t use the word enemy much. Yet, I still have enemies…I have people who are on the other side of the issue from me, I have people who have a different ideology than mine….I will always have people who inhibit my nightmares…

The names of these people change as time goes on but they will always be there…can I love people who are different than I am, people who maybe a part of a different political party, people who may not share my faith, people who are from a different culture than mine…people who may be out to get me…

This is difficult stuff.

If someone slaps you in the face, stand there and take it. If someone grabs your shirt, gift wrap your best coat and make a present of it. If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life. No more tit-for-tat stuff. Live generously.

If I am ready for the truth…then it will even get more personal. If someone slaps me in the face…I need to take it Lord? You want me to take the situations of life that are unfair and demonstrate servant-hood?

Lord Jesus, the reality is that I am not ready for the truth. Without you there with me every step of the way…this is beyond what I can do. Living generously is not something that is in my nature… and I get tripped up so easily.

Yet here is your call, standing there right in front of me. You want a new world order and you want to start it in me.

I want to hold on to…and you are calling me to let go. I know that without your ongoing leadership and change taking place daily in my life this is not do-able. It is only do-able as Your Holy Spirit inhabits and lives within me.

The more that I look at and experience that change in my life…change over years now, I think I almost get it. Your work in my life is an ongoing moving target of change…it is not a one time commitment to change but the start of a process of change. It is a walk in the light that brings me to the place where daily you journey with me…calling me to love people who I could never love without you giving me the strength…giving me the courage…giving me the power of Your Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus you are mighty to save…the grave could not hold you. In this day that will start in just a few short hours…you want to show the world through me your resurrection power. Make me ready for truth in this day. Holy Spirit work in me.

Κύριος Notes


Lord, Your people have praised you through out the ages…I pause in the beginning of this day to praise you. Lord of all Creation hear my praise and may it be acceptable in your sight, my Rock and my Salvation.

Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
T'was Grace that taught
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
the hour I first believed.

Scripture Reflection: Psalm 130:1-4
Psa 130:1 A Song of Ascents. Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Jehovah. 2 Lord, hear my voice: Let thine ears be attentive To the voice of my supplications.

You hear me to matter where I am…you hear me and the amazing thing is that the God of all Creation listens and care about what I say…sometimes I don’t even listen to me…but He listens. It is the cry of my heart that He will listen and intervene in my life situation…and the amazing thing about grace is that He does!

I was wondering what was implied by the use of Jehovah that particular name for God…it implies that the God that has always and always will exist is in relationship with man…with me. The transcendent connects to the transient …the eternal communions with the momentary. Amazing Grace…

Psa 130:3 If thou, Jehovah, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?

Mark…keep a record…the book must be long. Many entries by my name on multiplex copies…I am thinking of a copy room that goes on forever …or maybe a supercomputer that knows no end to the amount of data that can be collected…gigabytes and terabytes of data from the beginning of the created order…starting with the sin of Adam.

Psa 130:4 But there is forgiveness with thee, That thou mayest be feared.

The relationship that is created is one that is based on forgiveness and which leads to fear of the loss of that relationship. Some translations use the word worship here…
Psa 130:4 But you forgive us, and so we will worship you.

I would prefer to think of this as holy awe…a sense of reverent worship of the One who seeks, saves and forgives. I can’t understand his forgiveness. I can not grasp the depth of His love. I can only experience it and do all that I can to live up to his forgiveness. I owe a debt of love to Him for what He has done for me.

Lord Jesus may your Amazing Grace lead me and guide me in this day...that I may live out the love that you so clear show me.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Κύριος Notes

It is the hardest part
Seeing the journey in front me.
Knowing the task and just having to start.
It is in the starting where You are most present Lord.
And every step after.

Scripture Reflections Luke 6

24But it's trouble ahead if you think you have it made. What you have is all you'll ever get. 25And it's trouble ahead if you're satisfied with yourself. Your self will not satisfy you for long.
Lord Jesus there is warning here. What are my expectations of this faith walk?

Do I think it is going to be easy? Being Yours is not a move toward less complexity. It is a move toward more commitment more balance and more communication…more community…more accountability.

Is it self actualization that you want to see happen is it Lord? I am guessing that it is self turned toward you, to be molded, changed and morphed. Lord Jesus all I want is to stay put and to be comfortable.
And it's trouble ahead if you think life's all fun and games. There's suffering to be met, and you're going to meet it.

This is where I want to shrink away and fade into the wood work. I would prefer there to be no suffering…no hard spots. The truth is my expectations are twisted sometimes. Lord it is not all hard work, suffering and loss, but there are those times when you call me to the hard work. The point is growing my soul.

26"There's trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them. Popularity contests are not truth contests—look how many scoundrel preachers were approved by your ancestors! Your task is to be true, not popular.

Here is the growing edge for me Lord. People are not going to be happy with me. Truth needs to be said…there needs to be times when no matter what it costs, the truth is just out there. It is knowing when to speak and when to just be silent that gives me the problem.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Κύριος Notes

In this Day
Use me to show your peace
In this Day
Teach me the way of grace
In this Day
Be with me where I go.
In this Day
Speak to me Your Words of Life.
Scripture Reflections Luke 6
22-23"Count yourself blessed every time someone cuts you down or throws you out, every time someone smears or blackens your name to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and that that person is uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—skip like a lamb, if you like!—for even though they don't like it, I do . . . and all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company; my preachers and witnesses have always been treated like this.

Jesus when I get this right, when people begin to notice that You are at work in my heart. When I am beginning to make an impact for you, there will be a reaction. There is a cost to be Your follower. The same type of people who nailed you to a cross for the radical grace you preached and demenstrated will attack those who accurately communicate Your grace with clarity.

Sometimes I get this all twisted in my head…and think that just because I am going through a hard place that it is for You. Most of the difficult issues that have been brought into my life have been my own making and have had little to do with being persecuted for you. But my brothers and sisters in China, Russia, and Cuba and parts of Africa, still know what it means to suffer for the gospel.

Lord Jesus there may come a time when I am called to be persecuted because I am yours. Help me to remember these words and help to hear the hosts of heaven clapping their hands…be with those right now that are being oppressed because of their faith.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Κύριος Notes

I come to you needy.
I need your touch.
Your healing today.
I am not enough to meet the challenge
It confronts me with my need.
My need becomes an opportunity to see you work.
Scripture Reflections: Luke 6
20 Then Jesus turned to his disciples and said, “God blesses you who are poor,for the Kingdom of God is yours. 21 God blesses you who are hungry now,for you will be satisfied. God blesses you who weep now,for in due time you will laugh.

Lord Jesus as I read this I can almost see you looking out over the crowd that day…you saw the people…some rich, some poor…some needy some with no visible needs.

As you looked deeper your saw the hunger in their eyes…a hunger that was for something that was more than just food or the desire of the moment. As God of creation you bless these people. You bless the poor and the hungry and those who weep. It is at the point of my need that you can touch me.
It is at the point where I am willing to admit that I am not enough…it is at the point where after the miles and the aisle of endless stuff, I come to the soul knowledge that what I am really in need of is what comes from your hand. That is the point where the work can begin. Nothing else is really enough, but your blessing.
Lord, thank you for the reality of my need. I can not meet the need of the hour without you. This day is yours to work in. Thank you for what you are going to do it it.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Κύριος Notes

Κύριος Notes
Today I need You.
Today is a day that You have given me.
Today is all that I have to serve you.
Yesterday is finished.
Tomorrow I may be with You.
Live with me today.

Scripture Reflections Luke 6

17-21Coming down off the mountain with them, he stood on a plain surrounded by disciples, and was soon joined by a huge congregation from all over Judea and Jerusalem, even from the seaside towns of Tyre and Sidon. They had come both to hear him and to be cured of their ailments. Those disturbed by evil spirits were healed. Everyone was trying to touch him—so much energy surging from him, so many people healed!

Lord these people that were drawn to you from all over the countryside were full of needs. They were sick; they were oppressed and possessed by evil spirits. I am sure that there were twisted bodies, and twisted spirits that were drawn to you by their need. Everyone in the crowd wanted to touch you and to be healed from their hurt.

It was clear that power was available to meet the need of these dear people. The energy has not stopped flowing from you. You are alive and in a moment your power can heal what has tormented for years. In fact you are praying for me right now to the Father. You are asking the Father for strength for this day…for courage, for endurance, for the realization that your resurrection power is available to me right this minute.

Lord as people are drawn to LSCC they will come just like that full of needs. They will be twisted in body and in spirit. Your power needs to be available to them to meet their need. The energy of your amazing and scandalous grace has to flow to their need. In fact unless there is unmet need there is no need for your power to flow…Lord Jesus work…Holy Spirit work. Send needs that can not meet with out your Power.

Lord Jesus, bring the needs and give the energy and power to meet the need. If there is change that needs to occur start the change in me today. Holy Spirit work.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Κύριος Notes

Κύριος Notes
Draw me close to You
Never let me go
I lay it all down again
To hear You say that I'm Your friend
You're all I want
You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want
Help me know You are near
Donnie Mcclurkin

Scripture Reflections Luke 6

12 About that time Jesus went off to a mountain to pray, and he spent the whole night there. 13 The next morning he called his disciples together and chose twelve of them to be his apostles.

You spent time in prayer with the Father. As the opposition to your ministry began there was intention in the choice of your disciples. There was the need to talk this through with your Dad. It is during decision points just like this that I look to my support system for help and direction. That is exact what You did. You could sense the crystallization of the opposition and there was the need to choose who would be a form of the leadership of your followers.

Each of these twelve I am certain you prayed over, asked the Father about, and mulled over in your mind. You knew the life changing nature of the choice that each of these individuals would be making. You knew much better than they did the costs of following you.

What about my decision making process? Are You a part of that process, Lord? It was with intention that You spent the night in prayer…alone with the Father. You spent time just to focus on the need and the process of this decision. There was the need to make the right decision…to choose wisely.

You were drawn to spend time with the Father alone even in press of critical decsions. Lord Jesus draw me close to you in the middle of a busy life, let prayer be the frist thing that I think to do, not an add on.

In this day be a part of my decision making process, Lord Jesus. Help me to hear your call clearly and to follow without hesitation.