Mark 7
[7.24-26] From there Jesus set out for the vicinity of Tyre. He entered a house there where he didn't think he would be found, but he couldn't escape notice. He was barely inside when a woman who had a disturbed daughter heard where he was. She came and knelt at his feet, begging for help. The woman was Greek, Syro-Phoenician by birth. She asked him to cure her daughter.
Lord Jesus--You were looking for a time of rest and of decompression with the disciples a time to teach, a time to deconstruct for them the events of the work that they were engaged in. It was not just the work at hand that you were interested in, but also building their understanding of the kingdom. Since the feeding of the five thousand that had been the goal. A mountain hide away by the sea would have suited your needs...but it was not to be.
Yet the needs evidenced everywhere that you moved...from the misunderstandings of the pharisees, to the fear of the disciples, to this women and her daughter...need surrounded you. They still surround you in the prayers of your people. So often I come to you with a check list of needs in hand. Forgive me that my lists leaves out the most important elements of prayer too often...adoration and praise for who you are. Right now I praise you and lift your name are a mighty God engaged at the point of our needs.
[7.27] He said, “Stand in line and take your turn. The children get fed first. If there’s any left over, the dogs get it.” [7.28] She said, “Of course, Master. But don’t dogs under the table get scraps dropped by the children?” [7.29-30] Jesus was impressed. “You’re right! On your way! Your daughter is no longer disturbed. The demonic affliction is gone.” She went home and found her daughter relaxed on the bed, the torment gone for good.
Lord Jesus--You are still meeting our needs. We may not see you this side of the pearly gates but you are intimately engaged in our lives. You continue to heal your people. You continue to engage in the our lives with grace and understanding of our weakness and need.
In this day with the needs that will confront me, help me to be a person of peace and grace. Give me eyes to see the needs that surround me as you see them. May I be your workman in this day concerned about the "least of these." Don't let me get tripped up with silly tags and code words that obscure the person for whom you died.
Peterson, Eugene H. (2006-06-15). The Message Remix 2.0: The Bible In contemporary Language (Kindle Location 30784). NAVPress - A. Kindle Edition.