1John 1
2 The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim you the eternal life,which was with the Father and has appeared to us.
The Life appeared
Lord Jesus --You are the life. Nothing else is enough. Nothing else compares to life lived out within your call. Life lived in you is real. Your resurrection and accession mean that you represent me to the Father. The Father is reminded of your DNA every time he looks in your direction. That is what I hold on to in the times when my heart loses tract of my place...you speak words of grace to the Father on my behalf.
You are the example we have of eternal life. A life that was lived to create relationship...and lived out the implications of grace personally. It wasn't abstract at all but a sweat and blood drenched offering of grace.
3 We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 4 We write this to make our joy complete.
Lord Jesus--This journey of faith never comes to a place where it is over or where we are finished. Relationship is what you call me to over and over again. Forgive me for those places where I wander from the simple reality of your grace. Grace leads naturally to relationship. When it doesn't something is wrong.
So where is the up
close and personal? Living with eternity in mind flavors every relationship with grace...remind me today of this simple truth. There are no throw away interactions with people. All of it is sacred.
Tidbit from watching the Grandkids...Collin is my one and only, at this point grandson, ...he is just working through separation anxiety and I am one of the people who he is getting used to take care of him. Separation anxiety makes him fearful and tearful when his parents leave him. Adult Jesus followers don't need to have separation anxiety when it comes to You. Do we Lord Jesus? Your life is within us...your Spirit inhabits our days. So why is to easy to fall into that trap when there are times of quiet? It is so easy to get distracted.
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