Sunday, February 20, 2011

Notes to the Lord: On Peace

1 Timothy 1

1From Paul. God our Savior and Christ Jesus commanded me to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, who gives us hope.

Lord Jesus--There are commands that are given by you. Things that just need to be done...things that can’t not be done. Sometimes difficult, always at the edge of what humanly can be accomplished. Until I am beyond that edge, there is no room for faith to work. More than getting any job done what you want to grow within me is the calm knowledge of a faith root in dependence on the divine.

You encourage and grow me to the place where I can trust you that where you lead, you will sustain. You are the source of the command and you are the source of the hope. You will not leave me alone. From you flows the command and the resources to complete the command.
You have always provided in the past, why would that change now?

2Timothy, because of our faith, you are like a son to me. I pray that God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind and merciful to you. May they bless you with peace!

Lord Jesus--A common faith is what forged a relationship over time between Paul and Timothy. The leader of the church was seeing the future before him in this young pastor. His prayer for him is for kindness, mercy, and the blessing of peace. Those are good requests to ask for and are requests that are given within a context.

Lord Jesus--In this time of relative peace that we are experiencing I pray that you would bless this group at LSCC with peace, mercy and kindness. May we be known as a place where kindness and mercy are experienced and grow within a context of peace lived out in the everyday.

Today Lord Jesus speak to your church with clarity and power.

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