Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Notes to the Lord: One Step At A Time

Matthew 14
13When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

Lord Jesus--There was an impact on the way that you approached ministry because of the death of John. It was a transition. John was someone who you had a connection with, a cousin, a person who at some level had insight into who you were. I am sure that there was a level at which you grieved his loss.

You withdrew to work through the implications of that loss and the needs of the people followed you. You met their need even when you longed for time to just be alone. You healed the sick and you taught these seekers.
The needs did not stop because you were impacted by the death of John. You found the strength to work through the loss.

Your source of experience, strength and hope is available to me today Lord Jesus in the middle of the life that surrounds me. What would you say if you looked out over my little world? "Reach out to the seekers you will only have this chance once." "One step in front of the other, Kurt" "Strength will rise, as you wait upon me, Kurt."

You remind me that You go with me in every situation that comes my way. I am not left alone to integrate the death of friend or for that matter the successes that come during the journey. You are the One the makes sense of all of it for me.

Lord Jesus--I live in a world that wants to make a hero or a zero out of me. You know me better than that...I am sometimes both and neither. Keep my eyes focused on you and the way you see me. In this day Lord Jesus I depend on you to lead, guide and focus me as I continue the journey a step at a time.

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