Sunday, July 4, 2010

Notes to the Lord'The Little Children and Jesus

Scripture Reflections:
Matthew 19

13Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked
those who brought them.

Lord Jesus--I wonder about these children who you prayed for with your hands touching their heads. Where were they in the years that would define their lives? Could you see their lives lining out before them? Did you pray for the decision points when their walk was at the tipping point? Were there children in that group who would be in
siege of Jerusalem in 35 or 40 years? Did you pray them through to the place where they would see you again?

When I think of my children, and the children of
those close to me...I pray for them and the years of their lives...will they see you come back from the sky in power and glory? What will the future bring them? Peace...the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives in power?

Lord Jesus work in these in power and in grace as only you can. You see the future and know the boundaries, the hop
es and the heart aches that will form the contours of their lives. Be with them Emmanuel, let them know your presence in calming closeness as only you can. Were some of these the thoughts that passed through your mind that day on the road to Jerusalem while your hands rested on the little ones?

In the middle of these few moments, enter the same disciples who just a few days before were
arguing about who was to be the greatest in their little group. They would have shooed them away like gnats on a balmy night. But that is not what you allowed to happen.

14Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."15When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.

Heaven belongs to children...these poor little ones who did not have even the title to a home owned by the bank in their names were richer than they knew. Not only were they rich, they were and are protected by the same voice that created the universe, and that calmed the storm...that same voice would not allow them to overlooked.

Lord Jesus--Thank you for this blessing of those who had no offering to bring, that were powerless and dispossessed. You showed them love and reminds me of the care that you have shown me...I remember and I am thankful.

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