Saturday, August 27, 2011

Praying the Psalms:Answering Machines and Seperation Anxiety

Psalm 8 1 God, brilliant Lord, yours is a household name.

Father God--Household name...reminds me of the recording on our answering machine. “Hello, You have reached the Brown’s house leave a message.” We are a part of your household...but no answering machine at your house. When we call home you are always there.

Remind me today that I am a part of your household. It really should change everything. Let that simple fact of grace infuse everything today that I come into contact with.

Nursing infants gurgle choruses about you;
toddlers shout the songs
That drown out enemy talk,
and silence atheist babble.

Father God--I have been around babies being fed and taken care of a lot lately. What a blessing! I reminds me of what the writer is talking about...the sense of safety, of priority and focus that babies bring with them. The songs and the laughter over silly and yet somehow sacred things of raising little ones remind me of you.

Maybe atheist’s and the like could be daycare owner’s. Little ones teach me so much about my own stuff. The elemental things like laughter, joy and hope. It can be summed up but somehow left wanting by the term “separation anxiety.”

Father God--Do I ever get separation anxiety from you? I haven’t thought of it that way before. Is that something I can pray for? I have a feeling it is was what Wesley and the others meant by conviction.

Father--Can you give separation anxiety to those who are far from you in our community? Can you help your people let people know that there is a place that can meet that deep need? Your church should be all that can be summed up in the term "household" of God.

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