Thursday, February 25, 2010

Notes to the Lord:Healed Hands Ready For Work

Scripture Reflections: Matthew 9:35-39
35Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.

Lord Jesus--As I read the miracle accounts they are everywhere. That was a major part of your ministry that you were given by the Father. The people healed were not props in a human drama…people who enter stage right were then are ushered off on stage left as a part of the Jesus Drama. They were real people with hurts that you joined with them at. They did leave but changed forever. Their needs impacted you. Their hurts you took on. It was an intimate encounter with each of them that you had. They had not been initiated into the show all your hurts, Ophra watching culture that I know and experience…they hid there hurts and their diseases.

There was the understanding that if you were blind, or lame, or couldn’t hear you must have done something wrong…good people did not suffer. Great if you were perfect…I have a feeling that I would not have fit in well.

I wonder how many of these people that you healed…who carried to their graves the knowledge of that healing…became a part of the church in just a few years. They must have told their stories to their children and grandchildren when they tucked them into bed…

I can almost hear it…”And then Jesus touched me…and I could see…the first thing I saw was the face of the Master. Oh I wish I could see Him right now again…with these eyes that he gave me. Someday...”

36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Lord Jesus--What are the workers qualifications for harvesting? It was the very same crowd that you were healing that you looked out over and directed your disciples in prayer.

Healed people who experience Your touch, far from stage props, become the very workers that are needed in the harvest. It is not skill sets that make for great harvest workers, not great public speakers, or great leaders…but changed hearts and lives. Harvest hands are just people who have been changed by the Master’s work in their lives sometimes with the dirt still under the finger nails.

Lord Jesus remind me at critical moments in this day who am I...a healed field hand saved by your scandalous and amazing grace.

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