Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kurios Notes

Κύριος Notes
3/18/2009 8:08AM
Saratoga Springs, NY
I am Late This Morning
Lord you know this day before I start it.
You formed it and all that it holds.
Help me in this day not to miss the Divine amid the mundane.
Help me to see your hand clearly in the themes that I deal with today.
Hold my hand tightly today.
Scripture Reflections: Luke 4
42-44He left the next day for open country. But the crowds went looking and, when they found him, clung to him so he couldn't go on.

Do I cling to You, Lord? It sounds like where I need to be. Close to you. Close to where the action and where the miraculous lives. I want to see the phenomenon right in front of me. I would have been a part of that crowd that wanted to see signs and wonders...tricks with fish and bread. Forgive Lord for wanting to be close...cling to you for the wrong reasons.

If I am hanging on and watching the miraculous then I am not able to grow and walk by faith like grown ups do. I get confused sometimes you have called us to have childlike faith, but not to be childish. Teach me the difference Lord. Teach me the lessons of faith that stays the course even when the great things are being done somewhere else. Faith that stays the course that is marked out by the Master, because he knows best.

He told them, "Don't you realize that there are yet other villages where I have to tell the Message of God's kingdom, that this is the work God sent me to do?" Meanwhile he continued preaching in the meeting places of Galilee.

Jesus during your ministry you were limited by space and time. If you were with these good people who accepted you, then you could not be with in another village that needed you just as much.

Now that you are with the Father making intercession for your people, you are not limited, by time and space. You are able to be all places at once. So why do I feel as if I need to be where the Spirit of God is moving? If the Spirit of God is not moving where I am then, maybe it has nothing to do with location, but everything to do with me. Lord don't let me block your Spirit's work.
Lord don't let me be a Klingon today, a person who only looks for the me, instead to cling to your direction and grace for this day.

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