Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Κύριος Notes


Thank you Lord Jesus for this time and this day...in the quietness of this hour help me to hear your word speak to me.

I will Rise
There's a day that's drawing near
When this darkness breaks to light
And the shadows disappear
And my faith shall be my eyes
Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead

Scripture Reflections: Luke 7

18-19John's disciples reported back to him the news of all these events taking place. He sent two of them to the Master to ask the question, "Are you the One we've been expecting, or are we still waiting?"
20The men showed up before Jesus and said, "John the Baptizer sent us to ask you, 'Are you the One we've been expecting, or are we still waiting?'"

John the Baptist was in prison and his ministry had turned from a very public ministry of calling the nation to repentance to a private witness of speaking truth to power. The high point of John's public ministry had passed he had bore witness to you to fulfilled his call. But now from his prison cell Your ministry was not what he expected. John had thought that there would be immediate judgement and fire.

Matthew 4:12--He'll place everything true in its proper place before God; everything false he'll put out with the trash to be burned."

The timing of these questions is interesting. It is clear that John had received reports of the power of God displayed, acts of mercy and of healing. Not of judgement and fire .Here John is questioning if he got it right...or did he make a big mistake.

Lord Jesus, I understand John's questions...his expectations were not being met of what Messiah would be and do. He brought his questions and his frustrated expectations to you. That is exactly where you want me to bring my unmet expectations and my questions...

I have questions Lord. Everything is not working just like I thought it would. There are missing pieces...just like John saw and wondered about... Yet even with the questions and with the expectations not fully met there is a person I can bring them to...

I bring my expectations and hopes to Your feet. Your feet with the nail scares in them...Your feet that took you to dark places on my behalf...Your feet that are with me through joy and sorrow. I bring my questions to You.

So what are the lessons to be learned from unmet expectations. Here are some that just jump to mind:
  • You work in your way in your time.
  • I am not the one in control.
  • My questions find their answers in your grace...not in my expectations.
  • The lessons are never done this side of heavens pearly gates...new places where you want to work on my expectations will continue to come to the surface.
  • You are continuing to work in the world around me...sometimes in a vibrant and powerful way...as you did for a widow watching her son's funeral procession...and sometimes in more quiet acts of mercy and grace.

Lord Jesus help me in this day to bring my expectation to you...teach me through it all your will and your way for today.

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